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We are a spiritual community for Asatru, Vanatru and pagans, which roughly means that we believe in the old gods and follow the old pagan customs.



We are a spiritual community for Asatru, Vanatru and pagans alike, which roughly means that we believe in the old gods and follow the old pagan customs.

We have started to gather a lot of useful knowledge about norse paganism for the website, making it much easier for interested people to access, so you don’t have to go through a myriad of different outdated websites, each with a limited selection and sometimes questionable references.

This work was started in December 2019, and will in time be expanded upon. Of course, we welcome factual contributions as we want to provide an objective view of the matter at hand.

Unfortunately for our brothers and sisters abroad, the English version will be the last one to be completed.

Paganism today

We will have a closer look at everything from rituals and traditions, to interpretations and what lies in the future, as well as which organizations are out there, if you want to get connected.

Pagan rituals

Blót is central in Asatrú, this is where we make our sacrifice to the powers. The faith is anti-dogmatic, so each group has its own rituals. We will delve into some of the different rites that are usually found out there.

Runes online

So you want to show off on social media, and spread our beautiful Nordic runes online. We have compiled a list of them here, so you can easily copy-paste them into profiles and the like.

Check out our calendar
and see where you can meet us!

We see the entire north as our home

…but we mainly live on Zealand, in Denmark.